Can dogs eat bitter melon? YES, the dog can eat bitter melon because bitter melon is perfectly safe for dogs. It contains vitamin A, vitamin C, and folates that are very beneficial for dogs. So, the good news is that you can freely provide the bitter melon to your dog in its diet.
What is bitter melon?
Bitter melon is scientifically known as Momordica charantia, but a familiar name is a bitter gourd. This vegetable belongs to the Gourd family, and it is closely related to cucumber, pumpkin, and zucchini.
The cousins made with the bitter gourd or bitter melon are very popular in Asia. Although it is grown worldwide In China, there are several varieties of bitter melon, like pale green and covered with wart-like bumps.
On the contrary, there is less variety in India, but it is still a famous vegetable of Asia. The bitter melon has a very sharp and different flavor, and it contains a lot of nutrients.
Nutritional value of bitter melon
A high amount of nutrients is present in bitter melon and has low-calorie content, as it contains only 34 calories in 100 grams of it.
The number of nutrients present in 100 g of bitter melon is as follows:
Total fat | 0.2 g | 0% |
Cholesterol | 0 g | 0% |
Sodium | 13 mg | |
Potassium | 602 mg | 17% |
Carbohydrates | 7 g | 2% |
Dietary fibers | 1.9 g | 7% |
Sugar | 1 g | |
Proteins | 3.6 g | 7% |
Vitamin A | 48% | |
Vitamin C | 92% | |
Calcium | 4% | |
Vitamin B-6 | 40% | |
Iron | 5% | |
Magnesium | 23% |
Is bitter safe for dogs?
Yes, bitter melons are perfectly safe for dogs; even the seeds of bitter melons are also safe for dogs. The bitter melon or bitter gourd is present in different varieties.
Some types are suitable for dogs, but some are not good the dogs, like apple gourd and gooseneck, gourds are not ideal for dogs.
Except these, all types of bitter melon are safe for dogs, but you have to give it to your dog in moderation.
Benefits of bitter melon to the dog?
Bitter melon has a bitter taste that Is why it is not liked by people mostly. But we can’t neglect its nutritional value and health benefits.
It contains magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin C, and many other essential nutrients that are great vegetables to add to your dog’s food. By adding this vegetable, it will improve the health of your dog as follows:
- Low in calorie content, so it will prevent your dog from obesity.
- It is beneficial to fight against diabetes, so it must be present in the dog’s food suffering from diabetes.
- It contains vitamin C, so this vitamin C will help the dog to boost the immunity.
Serving tips
The taste of bitter melon is not appealing for the dog due to its sharpness and bitterness.
Your dog will hardly like it, but it must be present in the meal of your dog due to its nutritional significance. You can give the bitter melon to your dog in the following ways:
- Provide the bitter melon to your dog in raw form.
- Give bitter melon to your dog in cooked form, but keep in mind not adding any harmful ingredient to the dog.
- Give the juice of bitter melon to your dog.
What if my dog overeats bitter melon?
If your dog is eating bitter melon regularly, then it will be okay for your dog’s health. But As a saying:
“Anything in excess can become poison for you.”
if your dog overeats bitter melon, the dog can suffer from:
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- stomach pain
- hypoglycemia
hypoglycemia is a very critical problem, and this can cause life-threatening issues to your dog. In case of hypoglycemia, your dog can suffer from glucose deficiency.
you can detect hypoglycemia in your dogs by following symptoms:
- Seizures
- Change in behavior of the dog
- Rapid panting
- Twitching of muscles
- Loss of vision.
If you observe these types of symptoms in your dog, immediately rush into the vet’s clinic. If you cannot immediately move to the vet’s clinic, try to provide the glucose, 50% dextrose, or honey.
By giving this to your dog, the symptoms of hypoglycemia will decrease in your dog.
Can I feed my dog bitter gourd?
Yes, the bitter melon or bitter gourd is perfectly safe for dogs. In fact, the seeds of bitter melon are also not toxic to dogs. You can offer this bitter melon to your dog on the prescription of your dog’s vet.
How much is too much bitter melon?
Bitter melon is very beneficial for dogs, but make sure you add an appropriate amount that is not more than 2 ounces in a day.
If you add too much bitter melon to your dog’s diet, this can cause your dog’s health, like diarrhea and abdominal pain.
In the end, I would say that the bitter melon is very beneficial, and its nutritional value can not be denied. This vegetable helps maintain your dog’s good health. But always keeps the dose of bitter melon in a moderate amount.
Because the increased amount of bitter melon in the dog’s diet can cause diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and hypoglycemia in your dog.
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