Is your pet continuously itching and rubbing the skin on household furniture? Are you noticing red bumps and rashes on his/her skin? Do you notice the bladed patches and excessive hair loss? Then you have landed on the right page.
Don’t worry! We have got your back. In this article, we have listed 45 remedies to cure dry and itchy skin in dogs. All the remedies are listed after doing deep research.
Skin related issues are usually caused due to parasites, yeast or bacterial infections. Sometimes, itchiness is also a result of a chemical and allergic reaction. Dogs are good champions, and taking proper care of them is our top responsibility.
A number of causes can leave your beloved dog’s skin dry and itchy. If you are not a vet, it may be a difficult task for you to identify the cause.
That’s why if your dog’s skin condition is getting worse, you need to consult a qualified vet without wasting more time. Continuous discomfort often leads the pet towards anxiety, aggressiveness in behavior and stress.
In this article, apart from remedies, we have also listed the causes and symptoms of dry and itchy skin in dogs.
So without any further delay, let’s jump into this article;
Causes of dry and itchy skin:
There are a number of factors that lead your dog’s skin to dry and itchy. We have listed the most common causes of dry and itchy skin condition below;
Whether or environmental changes:
weather and environmental changes can strike the skin of your dog dry. Weather such as cold or low air humidity is more likely to cause dry skin.
Like us humans, dogs also suffer from different kinds of allergies. There are many factors that lead your dogs to bear the pain. One of the major causes is dry skin that causes excessive and unbearable itching in your cats and dogs.
Excessive batching:
Excessive batching also cause itchiness in your dogs. Sounds shocking? Right? Basically excessive batching socks all the moisturizer from your dog’s skin, especially when moisturizer isn’t included in shampoo or you are deliberately not doing that.
Poor diet:
Deficiency of essential nutrients often causes itchy and dry skin in dogs. These nutrients are responsible for making your dog’s skin shiny and healthy. So, if your dog is suffered from dry skin and you are taking good care of your pet, then check the quality of the food you’re giving to him/her.
Thyroid disease:
Due to the lack of essential hormones, dogs commonly suffer from excessive shedding, itchy and darkening, bladed patches, etc. The upper coat of your dog may seem dull and brittle to you. These are all the symptoms of thyroid disease. Hypothyroidism, the most common condition in dogs, can cause dry and itchy skin.
Fungal and bacterial infection:
Fungal and bacterial infection also cause dry and itchy skin that often leads to redness, hair loss, sores, hot spots, dryness, and in worse condition, intolerable smell. Ringworms and yeast are the basic causes of fungal infection.
Excessive licking skin also causes bacterial infection.
Signs of Dry and Itchy Skin:
You know the causes of dry and itchy skin, but symptoms also appear, like in humans. Following are the most common symptoms of itchy and dry skin in dogs.
- Constant licking and scratching
- Chews on paws
- Oily skin
- Scaly or flaky skin
- Red patches on skin or rashes
- Body odor
- Constant rubbing of the skin on different house tools or people
Best remedies for Dry and Itchy Skin in Dogs:
Following are the 45 best remedies to get rid of dry and itchy skin in dogs;
Coconut Oil:
Coconut Oil is known for curing many skin conditions in humans. It not only improves skin texture but also fights against allergic reactions and dry skin in cold weather. It has antibacterial and antiviral properties that’s why including it in your dog’s diet helps to reduce dry and itchy skin as well as reduce skin problems.
How to use it?
Use a quarter teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight of your pet. Don’t include too much oil. It has a high amount of fat and can even cause diarrhea.
Here are our top picks for you:
Nature’s Way Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
Nature’s way coconut oil is GMO-free, pure, cold-press, hexane-free, and unbleached. Moreover, it has no added sugar.
Viva Naturals Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
If you are looking for more economical 100% pure coconut oil then you can buy considering Viva Naturals Organic Extra Virgin coconut oil. It is extracted from natural sources and free from gluten and GMO.
Vitamin E:
Vitamin E is great for promoting hair growth and moisturize skin. It also promotes the growth of new skin. Moreover, it has healing properties and a great option to enhance tissue health and growth. It also promotes fast injury healing.
How to use it?
Either give it orally to your dog or apply it directly to the skin. To apply on the skin, take a small amount of vitamin E and gently massage it onto your dog’s skin. Don’t overuse it. The quantity of oil depends on the height, weight and size of your pet.
However, the recommended amount of small dogs is 400IU and 800IU of big dogs.
Here are a few recommendations of the best vitamin oil available in the market and online stores;
Vitamin E by Puritan’s Pride:
Nature’s Bounty Vitamin E
Neem Oil:
Besides cooking, neem oil is a top priority to cure a wide range of skin-related issues in dogs, especially. It also helps to reduce inflammation on your skin.
How to use it?
Mix a few drops of neem oil and your dog’s shampoo in water. Give your dog a bath with this mixture.
Here are a few best options for you:
Neem Oil (4oz) by Kate Blanc:
Neem Oil by Kate Blanc is 100% virgin and chemical-free. It helps to restore skin moisturizer, reduce redness, and itchiness due to dandruff, dryness temporarily.
Premium Organic Neem Oil Virgin
Premium Organic Neem Oil Virgin by Melania is another recommendation. You can check this one out too. Here is the link if you are looking to make an online purchase.
Chamomile Tea:
Herbal chamomile tea kills bacteria and yeast if you directly apply it to the skin of your dog. Not only this, but it also gives a soothing and calming effect and thus, prevents itching.
How to use it?
Apply the chamomile tea bags on the affected areas and gently press them. If your buddy is big or the affected area is wide, put a good amount in a spray bottle and spray it on targeted areas.
Here is our top recommendation:
Taylors of Harrogate Organic Chamomile Herbal Tea
Taylors organic camomile tea is free from caffeine and a good option to include in daily diet. It has 20 tea bags in one box and thus, you can easily apply it onto the affected areas of your dog’s skin. Since it is organic, that means there won’t be any side effects.
Thyme is best if your friend is continuously licking or chewing paws. Thyme has antiseptic, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. It promotes good skin and supports gastrointestinal health.
How to use it?
Directly apply the thyme to the affected areas. It will do its job.
Here are a few recommendations:
Thyme Essential Oil:
Thyme Essential oil is 100 pure, free from all harmful chemicals, undiluted, and is perfect for giving your dog a good relaxing bath. It not only fights against dry and itchy skin but also gives relief from anxiety.
Hana Thyme Essential Oil:
Hana thyme essential oil is also natural. If you are looking for something affordable in price and good in quantity, you can lay your hands on this one.
Oatmeal bath:
Oatmeal bath nourishes and moisturizes the skin of your dog.
How to use it?
Grand or blend regular oats and add them into the warm water. Allow your pet to soak itself into the mixture for about 10 to 15 minutes. Or you can use oatmeal shampoo and conditioner especially available for dogs.
Following are the top options available in the market:
Pet Oatmeal Anti-Itch Shampoo & Conditioner:
Pet oatmeal shampoo and conditioner are made from all-natural ingredients to give your pet relief from itchiness, hotspots, etc. you can use it even if your dog has sensitive skin. All thanks to natural ingredients. To eliminate odor, it has a light cookie scent that lasts long.
Refreshing Colloidal Oatmeal Dog Shampoo
Refreshing colloidal oatmeal dog shampoo is another recommendation. It is a Deodorizing shampoo with a lavender scent to it. It not only removes dirt but also moisturizes your pet’s skin.
Omega 3 Supplements:
Omega 3 supplements are the best diet to give your dog to give him relief from continuous itching and inflamed skin. This fatty acid provides a number of health benefits to your dog, such as promoting healthy skin and coat.
Best options to consider:
Nordic Naturals Omega 3 Pet - Special Dog Formula Fish Oil
It is made up of high-quality products that not only support the skin, coat and heart of your pet but also promote immune and joint health. Omega 3 comes in a soft get capsule form and gluten, dairy-free ingredients.
Maxxiomega Omega Oil for Dogs
Maxximega Omega Oil is made up of special ingredients that help to cure dry and itchy skin, hot spots, tear stains, dandruff, and brittle nails. It helps to keep your pet in good health and shape. Moreover, it tastes good and free from fish smell.
Baking soda:
Baking soda is a good and more economical option to cure rashes on the skin. It alleviates itching and also reduces inflammation and redness.
How to use it?
Make a thick paste of baking soda by adding water. Add the quantity of both to get a paste-like consistency and apply that onto affected areas of your dog. Leave the paste for about 20 minutes and then rinse it out.
Feed your dog a Well balanced Diet:
Providing your dog with a wholesome diet helps him to fight infections, allergies easily and if your dog is healthy, it helps him stay healthier and active. There is no proper definition of a well-balanced diet. It varies from dog to dog. In short, eliminate all those ingredients from your dog’s diet that he/she is allergic to.
Commonly dogs are allergic to beef or grains. If the is the case with your pet, we recommend you to buy a grain-free good or eliminate beef from his diet. You can either make homemade food for your pet or go to the market to buy special food.
Epsom Salt:
Epsom Salt is a great remedy to soothe your dog’s itchy skin. It also helps to reduce swelling caused due to inflammation. It is a good replacement if your pooch friend is sensitive to shampoo.
How to use it?
Don’t apply directly. Mix it with other home remedies to get the results. It helps to recover your pet fast. But make sure that your dog doesn’t lick or ingest it. And one more tip. Don’t use it on open wounds.
Here is our top recommendation:
Epsom Salt By Sky Organics:
Epsom Salt by Organics is free from GMOs and other additional chemicals. If you are looking for natural Epsom salt then you may consider buying this one.
Yogurt is known for its antibacterial properties for centuries. It contains probiotics that kill yeast and bacteria. Adding yogurt to your pet’s diet helps him in digestion and also reduces dryness and itchiness. Moreover, when applying directly onto the skin, it kills yeast and bacteria.
You can use yogurt available at home or go out to but lactose-free yogurt if your pet is allergic to it. However, we recommend you consult your pet if that is the case to avoid any future problems.
Chickweed is known as Stellaria Media a great remedy to cure bug bites, boils, itchy skin, rashes, and wounds in dogs. It is full of anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties and that’s why it is good for eczema, hot spots, and sores. To apply externally, you can purchase chickweed gel. It gives a cooling sensation, making it perfect for hot weather.
Our recommendations are:
If you are having an issue in finding Chickweed in your area, you can purchase it on Amazon by clicking on the given links.
Frontier Bulk Chickweed Herb
Organic Chickweed Herb
Fish oil
Fish oil is useful to fight against some allergies. It has Omega 3 fats that help to treat seborrhoea and reduce inflammation. It is a skin disease that causes extreme itchiness also in humans. The main cause of its occurrence is when sebaceous glands secrete sebum in a large amount.
The same is the case with dogs. Including fish oil in your pet’s diet relieve him/her from continuous itching. But please note that an excessive amount of fishing can have an adverse effect. So give an ideal amount of fish oil to get the desire results.
Pure Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil for Dogs & Cats by Zesty Paws:
It is specially made for dogs from all the natural ingredients to boost the immune system, heart and support skin and coat for your pet. Omega 3 fatty acids promote the good health of your canine friend.
Brushing can provide relief to your feline friend from itching. It removes all the dead hair out and prevents accumulation. Moreover, brushing also removes the dried skin and promotes blood flow. Blood flow basically eliminates all the toxins and maintains the PH level of your dog’s skin. So, when your pet fur is dry, brush it out to remove all the hair breakage.
Calendula has similar properties to Chickweed. It also has anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory property that cures redness, itchiness, and dry skin.
How to use it?
Apply directly onto your dog’s skin to prevent itchiness and inflammation. Moreover, it also boosts the immune system and good to fight back some allergies. It is available in oil and cream form in the market.
Here are our top recommendations:
Boiron Calendula
Boiron Calendula cream is good for Scraps, cuts, chafing and sunburn. Direct application on skin feels soothing and creamy texture moisturizes it.
Herb Pharm Certified Organic Calendula Oil
Herb Pharm organic calendula oil is specially made for external use it. It is vegan, non-GMO and gluten-free.
Homemade Anti-Itchy Spray
A more economical remedy for dealing with dryness is a homemade anti-itch spray.
How to make it?
You can make one for your pet by mixing apple cider vinegar, water and a few drops of lemon. Remember that apple cider vinegar has a strong scent. Alternatively, you can buy the anti-itch spray from stores.
Curaseb Antifungal & Antibacterial Chlorhexidine Spray for Dogs & Cats
Curaseb anti-fungal and antibacterial chlorhexidine spray are specially made to treat yeast, hot spots, infections and pyoderma. Moreover, it soothes redness, itchiness, and dry skin irritations. And it has a Pleasant Cucumber Melon Scent.
Evening Primrose Oil
Primrose is famous for curing a wide number of skin-related conditions. Like other herbs in this list, it also has anti-inflammatory and anti-itch properties naturally.
How to use it?
You can apply it to your canine friend’s affected skin areas or add a few drops to the meal. However, we still recommend you consult your vet first for professional advice.
Eucalyptus Conditioners:
Is your pet dealing with fleas and continuous itchiness? Eucalyptus is a good moisturizer that soothes the itchiness and gives your pet a sense of relief. Furthermore, it also promotes hair growth and healthy skin.
Here is our recommendation among a number of options:
Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Add a few drops in bathwater or in your pet’s body wash or use it as a cleaner. It is available in three different ounces. Before including it in your feline’s routine, don’t forget to consult the vet for better advice.
Witch Hazel
Witch hazel contains tannins and has many beneficial effects on dogs to deal with itchiness. It is a good body neutralizer and recommended for topical use only on cats and dogs. But please note that it may have side effects. So do consult your vet first.
How to use it?
Take a clean cloth or cotton ball and soak it into the witch hazel solution. Gently rub it on the affected area.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is a powerful healing agent and has a number of benefits. When apply on the dog’s skin, it will soothe redness and irritation. It is easily available everywhere. You can extract the naturally from the Aloe Vera plant or buy one from a nearby store or online too.
How to use it?
Apply Aloe Vera gel on the affected area. It will do the rest of the job.
Our top recommendation:
Aloe Vera Gel for Moisturizing Skin & Hair by Kate Blanc Cosmetics
It is available in two consistencies; one is liquidly good to apply on itchy areas and the other is available in a thick form which is great to apply on hands etc.
Aspirin Mix
Aspirin Mix is a great remedy to apply to the itchy areas of your pet to reduce inflammation and sores. It is recommended for external use only. However, don’t use it until prescribed by the vet. According to the studies, it is not safe to use without a proper prescription.
Yellow Dock
Yellow Dock roots and leaves have been used as a blood purifier and usually planted in North America. Nowadays, it is also used to treat dermatitis and itchiness in dogs. It is a great remedy to fight against ringworms and other chronic skin conditions. Moreover, it can be used internally and externally.
How to use it?
Add 1 tablespoon of yellow dock herb in 2 cups of boiling water and set the mixture for a few minutes until it gets cool. Then strain the liquid out and add it to a bottle. Spray the mixture on the affected area and leave it. Don’t rinse it out for effective results.
Our Top Recommendation:
Nature's Way Yellow Dock Root
Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar is already famous in the beauty community to maintain the PH level of skin and scalp. It kills bacteria and fungus causing itching and dryness. Similarly, Apple Cider Vinegar kills yeast and bacteria to reduce itch and irritation of your pet’s skin.
CBD oil:
CBD Oil is best to reduce anxiety and full of anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties. Therefore, it is a good remedy to deal with itchiness and irritation.
Here is our top recommendation for your dog:
FurroLandia Hemp Calming Treats for Dogs:
FurroLandia Hemp Calming treats are suitable for all kinds of breeds and help to reduce stressful situations, aggressive behavior and anxiety.
Natural Skin Tonic:
Natural skin tonic is full of multi-functional properties. It helps to provide and promote a soothing effect on dry, irritated skin and is a great flea repellant.
Control Heat and Moisturiser:
Environment/weather leaves a huge impact on your dog’s skin condition. Always maintain the house temperature. We recommend you use a humidifier when the season is dry. Make sure that you are using an ideal blow dryer temperature when grooming your pet. High heat may react on your pet’s skin and cause irritation. Always give your pet clean and fresh water.
Here is our recommendation for you about the best waterers.
Amazon Basics Gravity Pet Food Feeder and Water Dispensers
The main reason for recommending this dog feeder is its two-in-one bundle. It has a large combo has 12 lbs food dispenser capacity and 2.5 gallons of water. Transparent material helps you to keep an eye on how much food/water quantity left.
Natural Flea Powder:
Natural Flea Powder is specially made to cure flea. If you are sure that itchy skin is caused due to fleas that you can use natural flea powder to get rid of it.
Salt Therapy:
This therapy consists of four water options in a row for your dog. To do this, provide your dog with bowls filled with three high-quality water and one filled with distilled water. Allow your dog to taste each and the rest of the job will be one on its own. He will pick the one he needs.
Quercetin Supplements:
Quercetin is a great, natural supplement to provide an itchy dog major relief from various skin related allergies. Results may vary between dogs, but this is a safe supplement to try.
Quercetin is naturally available in fruits and vegetables and a good source to consume it naturally. But not all quercetins are safe for your pet. That’s why quercetin supplements are a good alternative.
Here is our top recommendation:
NOW Supplements, Quercetin with Bromelain:
Now Supplement Quercetin with Bromelain supports the immune system and healthy histamine levels. It also helps to manage seasonal discomfort.
However, we recommend you consult your vet first to get suggestions and the right amount of dose.
Olive Oil:
Olive oil is enriched with vitamin E, vitamin K, and other antioxidants. Using olive oil on your dog’s skin works as a soothing agent.
How to use it?
Feed your dog olive oil 2-3 times a week. Add 1 tablespoon of it in your dog’s feed to provide him/her relief from continuous itching and it also helps to grow fur thick and shiny than before.
Here is our top recommendation:
Ellora Farms Extra Virgin Olive Oil:
Ellora Farms olive oil is extracted from a single natural source and it has the title of 2020 global winning award and PDO certified.
ZOE Extra Virgin
If you are looking for more affordable oil without compromising on quality, you can lay your hands on Zoe Extra Virgin olive oil.
Herbal Shampoo:
Sometimes harsh chemicals in the shampoo also react with your pet’s skin and cause irritation and dryness. That’s why herbal shampoos are a good replacement. They are made up of natural ingredients and tend to have less/zero harmful chemicals.
Here is our top pick:
Earthbath Oatmeal & Aloe Pet Shampoo
Earthbath shampoo is soap-free and helps to reduce skin irritation and dryness. It moisturizes, cleans and deodorizes the skin safely.
Hydrolyzed Diet:
Give your dog Hydrolyzed diet to see if it gives him relief from itchiness and dryness. After continuous use of weeks, give him a new protein to check if he/she reacts with it. In case your pet is sensitive, you may need to feed him hydrolyzed diet for a longer period if he gets relief from itchiness.
Glucocorticoids are anti-inflammatory steroids. It is one of the most effective drugs to cure itchiness in dogs. Like all steroids, it also has many side effects. It may cause an eating disorder, excessive thirst, and urine. In worse scenarios, it can also cause diabetes and secondary track infection. That’s why we recommend you to consult a vet first for professional advice and then go for this option.
Benadryl is effective to cure many allergies in humans and dogs. It is an effective remedy to deal with skin irritation, dryness, and itchiness. But a number of dogs are allergic to it. So, consult your vet before trying this out.
Here is our top pick:
Benadryl Ultratabs Antihistamine Allergy Relief Tablets
Human Anti-Histamine:
If itchiness seems to be caused by seasonal pollen allergy, then human anti-histamine may help. Seasonal pollen allergy is usually hit between May and September. If you are looking for a more economical remedy, then you can try Princeton and Zyrtec. Both of these anti-allergic tablets work on dogs as well.
How to use:
To figure out the correct amount of dose, we recommend you consult a good vet. You may get noticeable results within a few days. If that’s not the case, you can stop giving it to your feline.
Yucca is commonly used in pets food manufacturing. This herbal plant is originally and most commonly found in the American areas.
It is enriched with anti-inflammation properties and contains steroidal saponins. It works as a great agent to suppress extreme itchiness in dogs.
Yucca is easily available in the local stores and online in liquid formula and capsules.
If you are having trouble finding yucca in your area and looking for a good quality product, you can click on the given links below.
Yucca Root Powder by Starwest Botanicals:
DIY Spray:
You can mix Listerine, baby oil and water in a bottle and take a small amount of it in your hand. Massage it gently on the affected areas of your pet. You can apply it a few times a day. But we recommend you consult a vet first before using this remedy.
Stop using plastic bowls:
Are you feeding your dog in a plastic bowl? If yes, then it’s time to get rid of it. Are you wondering why? Because plastic has tiny cracks that nurse bacteria and thus leads to an allergic reaction in dogs have sensitive skin or a weak immune system.
If your pet is dealing with skin conditions, then you must consider replacing plastic bowl with other ceramic or stainless steel options available in the market.
Here are our top recommendations:
Outward Hound Dog Blow Slow Feeder:
Outward Hound Dog Bowl feeder is available in different shapes and made up of and phthalate-free, PVC, BPA material. Moreover, it is easy to clean and dishwasher safe.
Interactive Food Maze Fun Slow Feeder Dog Bowl:
Like the outward hound dog bowl, an interactive food maze is also made up of safe material, free from harmful chemicals. The amazing thing about this bowl is the two interchangeable mazes.
If your dog is dealing with skin-related issues and keep scratching his/her skin, then engaging him with different actives keeps his mind distracted from itching for a good amount of time. Furthermore, exercise also reduces stress and anxiety level in your dog and also good for health.
So, spare some time to take your beloved pet to play more or walk.
Rosinweed is also a good option to cure itchy skin in dogs.
How to use it?
Dilute herb in water. Keep the ratio 1:10. Either put the liquid in a spray bottle and uses it. Or gently apply it by using a cotton ball on affected areas. To get noticeable results, use it frequently and regularly.
Studies show that colostrums are very effective to use for chronic itchy skin conditions in dogs. It is also famous for treating auto-immune diseases.
Here is our top pick for a dog:
Canine Colostrum for Dogs
Allergic reactions in goods often caused due to deficiency of essential nutrients or reaction of the immune system. Probiotics are a good option that takes the immune system state to a normal level.
Here is our top recommendation:
PetVitalityPro Probiotics For Dogs with Natural Digestive Enzymes:
PetVitalityPro Probiotics is good for upset stomach, yeast infection, hot spots, bad breath, gas, constipation and much more. Not only this, but it also boosts the immune system and oral health.
Modified cyclosporine & Oclacitinib:
These OTC drugs are also an alternative to cure the itchy skin of your pet. Consult your vet for the right amount of dose for your fluff buddy.
Digestive Enzymes:
Digestive enzymes help in processing food and breakdown protein naturally found in raw food. So, including these enzymes prevents many skin related problems and allergies.
Digestive enzymes, like lipase, amylase, etc used for intestinal or pancreatic diseases and allergies in dogs and other pets.
How to use it?
Consult the vet for recommended digestive enzymes. Sprinkle the prescribed amount onto the food of your dog.
Our best recommendation:
Starwest Botanical Papain Powder
Consult your vet:
All the above-listed remedies may help to get rid of the itchiness and dry skin of your dog. If your canine friend’s condition is getting worse, then don’t waste your precious time trying remedies. Consult your vet as soon as you can to give him/her relief from, continuous discomfort.
Final verdict:
Our purpose of listing all the above remedies is to help you to get rid of various skin-related issues of your pet. We understand how difficult it is to go out in a pandemic situation. Minor skin allergies can easily be treated from the above-given remedies. But if you notice no improvement in your dog's condition, then consulting a vet is the only and best option.
Only a professional and qualified vet can tell you the right amount of dose for your pet by keeping in mind the weight, size and condition.
Most of the above-listed remedies are safe for all breeds of dogs, we still recommend you to consult your vet first before trying it out. Only he can prescribe the right amount for your pet.
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