Most people love the mixture of the tangy, sour, and sweet taste of Tamarind. And the tamarind liker always asks if can my dog eat Tamarind. So the answer is YES! Your dog can eat Tamarind. But keep in mind that you are not giving the seed and the shell of Tamarind. Because the seed […]
Can dog Eat
Can a dog eat blue cheese?
This is the question that arises in the mind of every cheese lover. It is essential to be conscious about your pet’s health which will be safe for your dog. Dogs should generally avoid eating blue cheese. While a small amount might not be immediately harmful, blue cheese contains a fungus that can produce […]
Can Dog Eat Corn Beef?
Can dogs safely consume corned beef if humans can? The short answer is no. Unlucky, No problem ever. It’s just too risky. High sodium nitrate content in corned beef might cause dogs to consume excessive amounts of salt. Overindulgence in salt can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration. As usual, speak with your veterinarian before adding […]
Can a dog eat bread?
The most frequently asked question regarding dog food is: Can dogs eat bread? The answer is YES, but only to some extent. In general, people can feed them bread but in certain levels or moderation. This is fine since most dog owners do not have problems giving their dogs plain white and wheat bread unless […]